പത്രം ധര്‍മ്മം നിയമം


Essay (ലേഖനം)
Language: Malayalam

Publisher: Viewpoint, 9 Subhash Nagar,

It has been observed that this is the first book in Malayalam dealing with media ethics. There are a lot of books on media laws in English but not in Malayalam. Even in English there are not many books dealing with media ethics. Here law and ethics of media are dealt with in detail. Still, it is not an attempt to preach ethics. Looking back at the evolution of media laws and ethics of the last four centuries, the writer evaluates new trends in modern journalism. This book will be of immense use to the newcomers in the media field. Dr Sebastian Paul, Member of Parliament and Press Council of India in his introductory note lauds the attempt made to put ethics before the new generation of journalists who are not at all aware of its place and importance in their day to day acts. It was released by Mr A.K.Antony, Defence Minister at a function held in Thiruvananthapuram on the 2nd of January 2008.

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